Filed Under "software"
Ruining Your Keyspace For Fun And Profit
Oh, the memories.
One of the early design decisions at CoverMyMeds was to generate alphanumeric keys for each Prior Auth, to ease communication about them. We
Zed: Early Thoughts
I’ve been using Zed a bit, and as a software developer on the internet, I have thoughts.
I’m using it to write Elixir/Phoenix, HTML/CSS, and some Markdown, and it’s trying to take the place of the venerable Emacs (running DOOM).
LAN Voice Chat with Mumble
My kids, 11yo and 7yo, are really into playing Minecraft and Terraria together. But, being siblings, it doesn’t always go as well as anyone really wants it to. Sometimes, it’s just that they can’t be in the same room together. And since they both have fancy gaming headsets, they